There are so many fakes all over the world, how do you know what is real and what is fake. If I buy a bag and it says made in China, does it mean it is fake?
Most of us know that the majority of fake bags come from Asia. But did you also know that many authentic bags are made in China as well?
There are a lot of big names that make their bags in Asia due to the lower costs of labor. Coach and Marc Jacobs, just to name a couple!
Most of us know that the majority of fake bags come from Asia. But did you also know that many authentic bags are made in China as well?
There are a lot of big names that make their bags in Asia due to the lower costs of labor. Coach and Marc Jacobs, just to name a couple!
So, how do you know?
When a counterfieter is making a bag in China, they are not going to put a label in it that says "made in China". They will put a label that says made in Italy, Paris, France, ect. Replicas are made to look as much like the real thing as possible.
Bottom line, if you buy a bag from China and it says made in Paris, then it is probably fake. But, just remember that there are very reputable designer items that will say "made in China". If says it is made in China, and it was, then it is probably real.
This blog was "made in the USA"
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